#264 - Nick Huber & Mitchell Baldridge - How Twitter Changed Our Lives, Real Estate Market Updates, and the Glorious Cost Segregations
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EPISODE #264 In today’s episode, Chris sits down with Mitchell Baldridge and Nick Huber to discuss the current real estate market, how Twitter changed their lives, and cost segregation.
Nick has been a small business owner since his final year of college when he started a student storage business with his friend, and after expanding to 25 towns over 10 years, he exited for $7 million.
Nick has also acquired 42 self-storage facilities with over 1,000,000 square feet under management while raising over $20 million in capital.
Mitchell is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Financial Planner with vast experience in financial planning and corporate accounting. In 2014 he founded Baldridge Financial to achieve his dream of helping other business owners achieve their financial goals.
Make sure to listen in!
Key Takeaways:
Intro (00:00)
The problem with the real estate business right now (01:52)
What’s happening in the market right now? (04:44)
The impact of supply on rental rates (11:55)
The difference between Class A, B, and C buildings (22:19)
What’s going on with interest rates? (30:09)
Why is cost segregation taking off now? (44:41)
How Twitter changes lives (58:28)
Building trust with Twitter (1:05:32)
Advice on online networking (1:15:50)
Additional Resources:
➡️ See Nick's podcast 'The Sweaty Startup'
➡️ See more about the work Mitchell does here: https://baldridgefinancial.com/
➡️ Learn more about Relay Human Cloud
➡️ Fort Capital: www.FortCapitalLP.com
➡️ Follow Fort Capital on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/fort-capital/
➡️ Follow Chris on Twitter: www.twitter.com/FortWorthChris
➡️ Follow Chris on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/chrispowersjr/
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