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Great Podcast
While it’s about real estate and investing at its core, they bridge all topics in an entertaining way. Great representatives of Fort Worth as well.
Thoughtful interviews, great questions & lessons learned
Chris is a really thoughtful interviewer so it's a pleasure to listen along as he learns from a variety of accomplished people in real estate and other fields.
I look forward to every Tuesday’s new episode! Chris is a great host who allows his guests to tell their story with thought-provoking questions. You do not have to be in Real Estate to enjoy this podcast.
A really well done show
I’m not a broker or full time real estate professional, but I still find the show to be extremely insightful and entertaining. It’s a very unique mix of guests that are each able to deliver great information in an engaging way and Chris does a really good job at interviewing them in a humble way. I’ve ended up following multiple guests after their appearance on the show. Really well done!
I really enjoy the conversations and subject matter of this podcast
Favorite RE / Biz Podcast
After reaching out to ReTwit for RE podcasts to follow, many pointed me to Chris and the FORT. I started listening to the FORT and maybe 4 other recommendations, but Chris’s show is by far my favorite. More than just RE, I love that he covers a diverse set of guests from other businesses and investing. Even when I think a speaker will not interest me personally, Chris brings out aspects of their expertise that are interesting and relevant. It’s clear he does his research and takes this interviews seriously. His questions are thoughtful and he is not afraid to ask the speakers to go into more details that he is not familiar with. I have put some podcasts on hold as I find myself hungry to listen through the backlog. On a technical note, the podcast is well produced with even volume levels throughout and clear speaking without being over produced. I am able to listen to most episodes at 1.5 speed which is very helpful. I highly recommend the FORT if you are interested in anything business related, nut just RE. And thanks for taking the time and effort to do this Chris!
FORTunate to have this resource!
Chris is the man! I'm consistently impressed by the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable ideas happening here. No matter the subject, you’re guaranteed to gain something from every episode - can’t recommend The FORT enough 🙌
Great content
Always interesting and relevant content.
Trust me, JUST LISTEN. The rest will follow
My boss develops major industrial developments across the north-East urban infill markets. I stumbled across Chris on Twitter since I started working (I’m 22). Chris, After going through your entire twitter page, I just finished the first podcast. I’ll skip the stuff viewers prob wouldn’t care for, but let’s just say Im hooked. My first thoughts, which I felt in my bones, after listening to your first podcast were, so where do I sign up? And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do now. Sign up. Get up and Show myself what I’m capable of. Thank you to Jason Baxter and the legend from PCU as well! Best of luck. You’ll be seeing me whether you like it or not😆. 10/18 I’m back. Just listened to your LIFE CHANGING talk with Kevin Lackey. DUDES. you guys are my new life coaches, my new role models, my new rabbis even LOL! Wow! Thank you from the depths of my heart. There’s a saying in Judaism - Doing good for one, is like doing good for a world - since one person has the power to change the world (as you discussed on this very podcast). You've both changed my world. God blessed me with listening to this podcast at this point in my life. Chris, keep it up.
THE Go to podcast for CRE
Chris’ podcast is essential for anyone practicing commercial real estate. Awesome interviews with interesting people in the business and Chris is very forward thinking on the intersection of technology and real estate/business growth. As a bonus, he mixes in super interesting interviews with leaders in small business, private equity and technology.
Great show
Chris is a very approachable and grounded host and has great guests. Highly recommend.
Great podcast and very informative
As someone who is looking to make a career change and get into CRE, this podcast has greatly improved my knowledge of the industry. On top of the knowledge it has helped me narrow down what specific asset class and line of work I want to pursue. Highly recommend this podcast!
Chris does a great job of diving into wide-ranging subjects, asking probing questions which results in stimulating and informative discussions. One of the best out there!
Inspirational and REAL!
Chris does an amazing job of getting guests to tell their stories in a way that goes well below the surface! His ability to get guests to open up is amazing! Thank you.
Great podcast for enhancing skills of real estate syndication
I’m new to syndicating real estate deals and the episodes Chris does solo that teaches many nuances behind this lucrative industry were extremely helpful in my growth.
Best podcast to listen to while I’m working out. Usually go back and listen again to the ones I want to take some notes. I always take something from each podcast that I can integrate into my thoughts, planning, and implementation. My response to how one feels about the mass of coastal population moving to Texas…Welcome! But, “Don’t Mess With Texas!”
Favorite podcast
Definitely my favorite podcast. I’ve listened to the most recent 20 episodes and now I’ve started from the first one. Chris is a great interviewer and his guests are top notch. Highly recommend listening if you are interested in real estate, entrepreneurship, small business, etc.
The Fort
Great podcast
A True Frog
Can’t stop listening to all of Chris’ podcasts.
Chris is a real estate guy. But don’t assume this is a real estate podcast. Yes, he interviews extremely interesting real estate people from all side of a deal, but there is so so much more. First, Chris is very very prepared for his interviews. He goes deep purposely and brings out real actionable business tidbits from everyone he interviews. He ranges from franchise restaurant owner to CEO super coach to flipping web sites, to CRE. Look at the library and pick your wheelhouse. Finally, I like Chris’ personal way about his interviews. Seems like a nice and honorable guy to know.
Favorite Real Estate Podcadt
Chris is beyond generous with his experiences and his company’s process for evaluating real estate. Most people don’t share their secret sauce to this extent and it’s delivered in such a real and honest way. Podcast unlike any other.
Great Real Estate and Entrepreneurship Podcast
This is my favorite podcast. Chris does a great job of landing quality guests, asking pointed questions and getting in depth answers. It’s an especially fun listen for real estate, but entrepreneurs and other businesses people will also find it to be a good listen.
Top real estate podcast
Chris does a great job of taking complex ideas and concepts with very smart people from multiple different industries and makes it easy to understand. This is my top podcast as of late, so thank you Chris!
Great Insight
Great insight on real estate, business and life. Well worth a listen.
Amazing Podcast
Chris has a talent for storytelling and interviewing successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. This podcast is amazing for all things business, not just real estate. This podcast is a must listen if you are on the fence whether or not to give it try.
Tons of great stuff!
A wide-ranging discussion on all aspects of business and personal development with interesting people you don’t hear everywhere else.
So much insight
Business/real estate/ investing, this has so far been the best podcast out of the hundreds I’ve tried. The host is relatable and the conversations are honest, ten out of ten!
Interesting, informative & entertaining!
Such a great podcast from a very smart cre profossional & love the business lessons!
One of the most humble people in business to have a podcast. No boasting. Just great insights.
Insightful, engaging, and actionable!
If you’re looking for impactful conversations from business thought leaders across industries - hit the subscribe button! Chris is an excellent host who really engages his guests in thoughtful and nuanced interviews. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!